
User agreement for personal data processing

I hereby freely, by my own will and in my interest, give my consent to LLC "ARGUS-SPEKTR", located at: 65 Serdobolskaya Street, St. Petersburg, 197342, office 486, Bldg. 2-H (hereinafter - the Operator), for automated processing of my personal data, including, inter alia, using the services of the mobile application Streletz-PRO and the service Streletz-WEB (hereinafter - Services) according to the following list:
  • name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address;
  • data that is automatically transferred to the Services of the Organization used with the software installed on the user's device, including IP-address, information, information about the user's browser (or another program with which the Services are accessed), access time, address of the requested page.
  • Information about the equipment, which is accessed using the Services (in particular: model, serial number, event protocol, system configuration).
The Operator is entitled to process my personal data in the following ways: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, updating, modification, extraction, use, transfer of the obtained information through the Operator's internal network, depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data.
This consent comes into force from the moment I start using the Service and is valid for the time established by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.